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Dodge Charger General Lee + Horn
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Author: Reetkorst, General Racing Download: Dodge Charger General Lee + Horn | Author: Reetkorst, General Racing
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Description: Dodge Charger General Lee + Horn

Hey we have released the general lee the flag the numbers on door + he has the horn you need to hold the horn button for the sound.

Warning: some more cars has the horn to Because some group cars has the same horn but its not a problem i think.

Have Fun!
Date: 30.12.2009
Filesize: 5385.712KB
Traffic: 25517503.456KB
Downloads: 4738
Rating: 5.6 / 10
1 Point 2 Points 3 Points 4 Points 5 Points 6 Points 7 Points 8 Points 9 Points 10 Points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Virenfrei Dies ist ein auf Viren geprüfter Download.
Der Download wurde von uns mit Hilfe bekannter Programme überprüft, jedoch ist eine 100%ige Sicherheit nicht garantiert.

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This commentfunction is only for rating the download, or to write some suggestions about it - but not for support. If you have questions, please write it in our forum. Thanks.

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Name: john stoothoff
E-Mail: Write me a Mail
Date: 14th September 2010 :: 0:38 AM
Comment: how get that 1969 dodge charger general lee????
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Name: Nathan Brown
E-Mail: Write me a Mail
Date: 28th October 2010 :: 2:53 AM
Comment: how get 1969 dodge charger general lee? i want play xbox 360 game that 1969 dodge charger general lee on grand theft auto episodes from liberty city? i have grand theft auto IV.
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Name: Aaron
E-Mail: Write me a Mail
Date: 12th November 2010 :: 20:49 PM
Comment: How do I get the General Lee on GTA IV for XBox 360? Do I download straight to the game?
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Name: allen
E-Mail: Write me a Mail
Date: 4th December 2010 :: 5:11 AM
Comment: how get 1969 dodge charger general lee on GTA IV for XBox 360?
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Name: Dave Piskie
E-Mail: Write me a Mail
Date: 7th December 2010 :: 23:50 PM
Comment: Please let me know how I can get the general lee download? Thanks Dave
:: ::
Name: James Ward
E-Mail: Write me a Mail
Date: 1st January 2011 :: 9:05 AM
Comment: how do u get the general lee on gta 4 cause i have the game 4 xbox 360 what is the cheat to get the car cause i like the dukes of hazzard and i want the car 4 gta 4
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Name: Gruntusaurus ReX
Date: 2nd April 2011 :: 9:10 AM
Comment: do u think ull be able to have it out for xbox?
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Name: shawn
E-Mail: Write me a Mail
Date: 26th November 2011 :: 15:17 PM
Comment: how do i get the general on to the story mode on xbox
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Name: bigboy
Date: 21st December 2011 :: 22:36 PM
Comment: fun
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Name: john
E-Mail: Write me a Mail
Date: 3rd March 2012 :: 20:19 PM
Comment: i need it
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Name: will clarke
E-Mail: Write me a Mail
Date: 16th June 2012 :: 20:03 PM
Comment: hey can i have the general lee download
:: ::
Name: taylor leprieur
Date: 18th February 2013 :: 20:02 PM
Comment: how to you get the general lee for gta 4 cause i have the game 4 xbox360. what is the cheat to get the car because i like the dukes of hazzard
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Name: jimmy mcdonakd
Date: 24th September 2013 :: 4:18 AM
Comment: What is the number for it
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Name: bradley townsend
E-Mail: Write me a Mail
Date: 15th September 2014 :: 9:04 AM
Comment: does this cheat work on xbox360 ???
:: ::
Name: Jacob Thompson
Date: 11th April 2015 :: 18:33 PM
Comment: How do you get the Dukes Of Hazzrad car in any?

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GTA IV: Niko lässt sichs gutgehen :D by HellyLoon
Niko lässt sichs gutgehen :D
by HellyLoon

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