








GRIMs Weapon Pack Volume III |
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Description: |
-GRIMs Weapon Pack Volume III-
-All models and textures are made by me.
This pack contains 14 high detailed weapons to a decent polycount,
Volume III is also the most detailed and best pack i have made and took 10 months to make so enjoy!!
Weapons listed and replaces below:
1. USP.45____________________Colt45
2. USP.45 SD____________________Silenced
3. Desert Eagle 50.AE____________________Desert Eagle
4. M870____________________Chromegun
5. Sawedoff shotgun____________________Sawnoff
6. Protecta Bulldog____________________Shotgspa
7. Mac-10____________________Tec9
8. MP5K____________________Micro Uzi
9. M4 SMG____________________Mp5lng
10. Steyr Aug____________________Ak47
11. M16 A2____________________M4
12. M14____________________Cuntgun
13. M14 Scoped____________________Sniper
14. LAW M72____________________Heatseek
There are also several Alternative skins such as:
1. USP.45 Chromed____________________Colt45
2. USP.45 SD Chromed____________________Silenced
3. M870 Chromed____________________Chromegun
4. M870 2 Tone____________________Chromegun
5. M870 Black____________________Chromegun
6. Desert Eagle Gold____________________Desert Eagle
7. Desert Eagle Tiger stripe____________________Desert Eagle
Player Skins
1. PLayer Torso____________________Player_torso
2. Bald____________________Bald
3. Cesar____________________Player_face
4. Cornrows____________________Cornrows
6.HockeyMask "Rising sun____________________Boxingcap
They have a txd named for example "(CHROME)Colt45.txd" then you just erase "(CHROME)" so it gets "Colt45.txd"
then just replace and you have the alternatvie skin! :) |
Date: |
12.03.2008 |
Filesize: |
9898.561KB |
Traffic: |
59450757.366KB |
Downloads: |
6006 |
Rating: |
5.21 / 10 |
Name: |
JS999 |
Date: |
15th November 2009 :: 13:12 PM |
Comment: |
Can you say me, how i get the weapons in the game?
Thank you.. |
Name: |
Date: |
28th July 2011 :: 22:21 PM |
Comment: |
thanks ! |
Name: |
Eddie James |
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Date: |
12th January 2012 :: 17:30 PM |
Comment: |
I got them installed but like their not in the right order when I go to the gun store to buy them how do I fix it ? contact me soon please I love the mod. |


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